Hannah 2.0.


  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Switzerland
  • Age: 29
  • Sign: Capricorn
  • Occupation: adventurer
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: independent
  • Base model: Madison
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Whatever adventuring Switzerland-born Hannah used to do was long ago to explore a different aspect of herself; her sexuality! Years of exploration deep in the chasms of the world left Hannah feeling lonely, and she craved the caresses of anyone who would give them. Therefore, upon her return, she ditched her maps and compass and threw herself at anyone who could fulfil her sexual needs. Despite her apparent shy nature, it turned out that no single man could. As such, Hannah's sexual experimentation ranged far and wide across the world until she came to Tashtego's attention, and now she is a regular in the newly-completed Tashtego Towers complex. This allows her to play with her blossoming lesbian side, something she had never tried before! The explorer within her now only appears in her Lara Croft outfit - but only if she is promised a glistening pussy and/or a gigantic cock...
Tashtego Level 69 Offline
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