Julia Ann

Julia Ann

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: United States
  • Age: 18
  • Sign: Libra
  • Occupation: pornstar
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: fun-loving
  • Base model: Maya
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Julia Ann is a scrumptious bleach-blonde sex kitten who took her erotic act to the adult film industry in 1992. During her stint in hardcore, Julia Ann shot straight to the top of many producers' and fans' wish lists. Julia Ann is a tall, toned and well-honed cutie with deep blue eyes and a top-heavy body that gives away her past as a top model for men's magazines. Her All-American good looks are mainly responsible for the hearty success Julia Ann received during her stay in porn. Julia Ann's lusty but yielding sensuality made her an instant hit. Since her final retirement in 1995, Julia Ann has kept busy as one-half of one of the top strip club draws, "Blondage," in which she works with fellow blonde sex star Janine.
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