Loft_27B_Starry Night


IMPORTANT: ((YOU MUST USE "DirectX 9+ Shaders" in the Launcher's game "settings" menu for my mod to show the starry sky and the art on the walls correctly)) Or the art on walls and the sky will just look blank or grey. (Thri-xxx Light editor pack recommended but not required) I figured out a way to create stars and a moon on the sky map png. for a night time Loft mod without them appearing like giant fuzzy balls and was able to hand paint a Moon that has a nice realistic glow. Also figured out a way to make the framed pictures on the walls and TV more HD so they look a lot better, even close up. I used my own textures on pretty much everything inside and outside, except the bed sheets and upstairs carpet which I took from @mouse loft at night mod. but I lightened the carpet a bit so the floor wouldn't look quite as dark. I greatly enhanced the brick on the walls so it has a much more realistic look with greater contrast that makes them really pop. There are also a couple special things in the sky I hope you will like. If you don't want them, you only have to use windows paint or any other paint program to paint them out of the "sky" png file in the Mod folder or Active mod folder. The personalized text to Briar has been removed from the photo shown in my preview movie so you'll get a nice clean picture of her on the wall.

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Briar27 Level 195 Offline |
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The only thing that separates fantasy from reality is how determined you are to chase after your dreams.


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